
Develop a model of a three-workstation serial production

Develop a model of a three-workstation serial production line with high reject rates, 7% after each workstation. Parts rejected after the first workstation are sent to scrap. Parts rejected after the second workstation are returned to the first workstation where they are reworked, which requires a fresh "draw" from the processing-time distri- bution but increased by 50% from the distribution of the original operation. (This pen- alty factor of 1.5 applies only at Workstation 1 and not at Workstation 2 when the part returns to it.) Parts rejected at the third workstation are returned to the second worksta- tion where they are reworked, with a 50%) penalty there (but not on its revisit to worksta- tion 3). The operation times are TRIA(6, 9, 12), TRIA(5, 8.5, 13), and TRIA(6.5, 8.9, 12.5) for workstations 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Part interarrival times to the system are UNIF(6,14). All times are in minutes. Run the model for 20,000 minutes, collecting sta- tistics on the number in queue at each workstation; the number of scrapped parts; work- station utilizations; and average and maximum cycle times for parts that are not rejected at any workstation and for parts that are rejected at least once. Also, collect statistics on the number of times a rejected part was rejected.

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Operation Management: Develop a model of a three-workstation serial production
Reference No:- TGS02596686

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