
Develop a mini-behavior lesson plan


In this module, the learner will complete the following activities:

o Participate in the Discussion Board Forum: Mini Behavior Lesson (Aligned to Module Objectives 1, 2, 3)

o Baseline Data Collection (Before the Intervention) (Aligned to Module Objectives 4, 5).

 Baseline Data Collection

1. Baseline Data Collection. In, candidates collected baseline data for the social behavior identified for a minimum of one week with a minimum of five data points. The data should clearly indicate that the behavior, if left without intervention, will continue. In addition to recording data candidates will also keep a reflective journal of their experiences daily for a minimum of 5 days. Explain what the student is doing, the intensity of the behavior, your thoughts on how the proposed intervention will change the behavior or whether the behavior intervention should be modified.

2. Provide a defensible stability statement. Write a statement of stability (state how baseline data was collected and if the behavior was consistent). This shows that the targeted behavior is continuous. Example: Joshua was observed for 40 minutes a day, for ten days. Over these ten days, his work was checked for completion at the end of the 40 minutes. The collected data consists of the percentage of completion for each assignment, which identifies a stable baseline because, while it may fluctuate a little, the data remains in a tight range.

While Day 3 shows the highest percentage of completed work, it still shows that he is not completing even half of his work in the given 40 minutes. This data clearly identifies baseline stability and defines the need for intervention in an effort to increase Joshua's on-task behavior.

3. Reflections on Teaching Behavior

You will develop and implement a mini-behavior lesson plan using the template provided. You will upload a copy of the lesson to the discussion board forum

For the initial post, you will write a reflection that addresses the following questions: what teaching behaviors were expected in the lesson, what were the expected behaviors of the learner(s), what actually happened in the lesson, what worked? what did not work? what would you do differently with a similar student or group of students? Why is it important to teach behavior in the same manner that you teach reading or math?

Initial Post: You are required to make an initial post to the discussion board prompt. Make sure your initial post thoroughly addresses all parts of the prompt. Your comments should be clearly and concisely stated, demonstrating that the content was appropriately reviewed and synthesized. Include in-text citations and references in APA format. Utilize, paraphrase, and summarize your text, course resources, and other scholarly literature to support your posts. Your initial discussion board post is due by Wednesday of the week.

Responses to Peers: In order to meet exemplary requirements, you should write at least 3 response posts to three peers or classmates.

Your response posts should offer substantial, well written contributions of opinions, observations, questions, experiences, critiques, suggestions, etc. supported by references. Your response should be written throughout the discussion board period/week on at least three different days. Keep in mind that you may write response posts before your initial post is made for the week. Response posts are due by Friday of the week.

Etiquette/Quality: All postings should be appropriate, cordial, and professional. All postings should use appropriate language in the areas of mechanics, usage, grammar, and spelling.

APA Format: References must contain all APA reference information. In-text citations should be used correctly. Quotes should be used minimally and appropriately with quotation marks, citations, and page number.

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Business Law and Ethics: Develop a mini-behavior lesson plan
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