1. Input a number entered by the user and display "Positive" if it is greater than zero, "Negative" if it is less than zero and "zero" if it is equal to zero.
2. Develop a menu-driven program that inputs two numbers and at the user's option, finds their sum, difference, product or quotient.
3. Consider the equation Ax2 + B = 0.
• If B/A < 0, this equation has two solutions. The solutions are:
1. X1 = Sqrt (-B/A)
2. X2 = -Sqrt (-B/A)
• If B/A = 0, this equation has one solution which is X = 0
• If B/A > -, this equation has no real number solutions
Write a program to have the user input any numbers for the coefficients, A and B forthis equation. If A = 0, terminate the program. Otherwise, solve the equation.