
Develop a list of critical success factors for the company

1. Describe the competencies and capabilities your company must have in order to develop and maintain the critical success factors for your industry. Give a rationale to support your position. See Introduction in your text (pages xxv–xxx).   

2. Develop a list of the critical success factors your company must have in order to compete effectively in this industry and be successful year after year. Give a rationale to support your decisions.   

3. Complete a political, economic, socio-cultural, and technology (PEST) analysis to look at the external business macro-environment in which your business idea will operate

4. Examine each of the PEST factors, their relationship with each other, and their influence on the current and future position of your products, business, and industry

5. Explain how you think the findings from your PEST analysis will impact your business and strategic plans, influence the value creation opportunities, and influence the contingency plans for threats facing your business idea    

6. What technology do you expect to use to communicate both internally and with your customers?

7. What must be in place in order to get your first sales? What will you add when your cash position improves?        

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Marketing Management: Develop a list of critical success factors for the company
Reference No:- TGS0515864

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