
Develop a leadership and administration aspect of education


1. Please develop four (4) research questions that reflect Leadership and Administration aspect of education. Three (3) of these questions must be quantitative research questions, and one (1) a qualitative research question.

Your quantitative research questions must each represent one of the following: descriptive research question, relational research question, and causal research question.

2. Identify attributes or variables included in each research question. Be sure to designate the type of variable identified, for example: independent variable (IV), dependent variable (DV), and/or covariate (CoV).

3.Describe the type of data that will be measured for each variable. Please designate whether the data is categorical (I.e., nominal or ordinal data) or continuous (I.e., interval or ratio data).

4.Please provide justification for your conclusions. For example, if you identify an attribute as an IV, explain how you determined this to be so.

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Other Subject: Develop a leadership and administration aspect of education
Reference No:- TGS01931467

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