
Develop a implement a variety of instructional strategies


Lesson Plan for a chosen Content Area (English/Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, Science or other).

After selecting the standards to focus on, students will design and implement a variety of instructional strategies to develop and integrate the second language domains: listening, speaking, reading, and writing for at least one level of proficiency (WIDA). Students will infuse their lesson plan with technology. Students will complete the ELD Lesson Plan Template and include samples/visuals of activities. Students will develop formative and summative assessments for their WIDA/ELD Lesson Plan.


Using the English Language Development (ELD) Lesson Plan template provided, develop a content-based lesson plan appropriate for your subject of interest and modify it to accommodate English Language Learners. Choose a content lesson in math, science, language arts, social studies or other. Focus on one particular lesson for example, teaching "the water cycle" in one class period. Make sure to include technology and cooperative learning.

• Complete the Introduction.

• Choose at least one WIDA level to address during this lesson.

• List the Florida standards.

• Check all WIDA Standards that apply.

• Create Content Objectives.

• Create Language Objectives for all four domains for your chosen WIDA levels.

• List Materials and Technology. You must infuse your lesson with technology.

• List important vocabulary to pre-teach.

• Complete the implementation section. Make sure to make a cultural connection!

• Identify at all ESOL Strategies used.

• Check all the grouping options used. Must have at least one form of Cooperative Learning.

• Check the 21st Century Skills used.

• Identify Formative and Summative Assessments for Content & Language Objectives.

• Briefly explain how you would teach this lesson in a different way to any students who did not master the learning outcomes the first time.

Multicultural Lesson Plans:

WIDA Standards:

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English: Develop a implement a variety of instructional strategies
Reference No:- TGS03185445

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