Political and social Analysis: Canada as compared to USA
Students are required to write a white paper/report on a Canada and conduct a Political and Social analysis to identify critical implicational for supply chains operations in that Canada vis-à-vis USA.
You are expected to develop a good understanding of the critical implications for supply chain operations in the Canada and implications of some recent developments (last 2 years) for supply chain operations. Develop your decisions keeping in mind two critical supply chain decisions (a) assume you want to open a new plant for automotive assembly in that country and (b) assume you are evaluating a supplier of for a critical component (high tech, new product development).
A). First list the benefits and risk of each political factor in the chart under political and the Benefit and risk of each social factor in the chart under social. List it as bullet points.
B). For each Topic after listing the risk and benefit, You are to develop a comparative analysis between locating/selecting from North America, vs. Canada. Example: Implications of political factors for plant location and sourcing decisions (3single spacing analysis.) and the same for social.
The project report should be original. Please write the content in your own words. Whenever something is taken from a source, this source must be referenced appropriately. Full citation information is to be provided in the bibliography.
1.0 Political Factors
Trading policies (restrictions, treaties, stability)
Government changes (stability, friendliness to business/international business and trade)
Funding (government incentives)
Conflicts in the political arena
Other (if you think of anything beyond the list above)
1.1 Implications of political factors for plant location and sourcing decisions (3 single spacing Analysis.)
2.0 Social Factors
Health & Healthcare provisions
Education levels and work attitudes
Gender Equality
Child Labor
Cultural Aspects
Potential Market Size
Other (if you think of anything beyond the list above)
2.1 Implications of social factors for plant location and sourcing decisions (3 single spacing Analysis)