
Develop a get out the vote program for college students

Grant proposal:

Grant to develop a get out the vote program for college students

Project instructions:

The following steps are what it would take to develop the grant proposal. The grant proposal needs to include the following as well. My professor is grading me on each of the below topic and a fianl grade of the entrie proposal.

1. Bibliography and it needs to include sources, that will be use for the research proposal. Bibliography should include websites of agencies or organization that you plan to collaborate with on the project.

2. Literature Review should point to the most recent and relevant studies related to the youth court and lastly each research study discussed should be clearly and thoroughly explained in its own paragraph or set of paragraphs, and should give a complete description of the study finding.

3. The Methodology for my proposal should explains how the project/program will be develop. The steps have to be listed that will be taken. It should cover who will be involved in the program.

4. Evaluation and it needs to be detailed for the project that way we can tell whether it would be successful.

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Other Subject: Develop a get out the vote program for college students
Reference No:- TGS01436487

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