Assignment Problem: As the engineering consultant, you are asked to simulate the displacement and the stresses of the structure shown in Figure 1. To accomplish this, you are required to:
a) Develop a Finite Element Model of the structure (minimum of 6 elements) and then manually (MATLAB or excel) calculate the nodal displacements and summarise the state of stress at each node in each member (element). Discuss the difference between direct stress, minimum combined stress and maximum combined stress.
b) Develop FE MATLAB programs to calculate the nodes' displacements and element stresses. The main program should also be able to display the deflection comparing the unloaded and loaded conditions.
c) Analyze the structure in ANSYS WORKBENCH using (1) line elements and (2) 3D elements (a solid model is provided on moodle). Compare the displacements and the stresses obtained in (b) and (c) with the ANSYS results in (c).
d) Provide comment of the design of the structure based on your FE analysis e.g. is there any stresses greater than the yield stress? What you will do about it if there is? If the nodal displacement of the loaded structure must not be greater than 2.5 mm, does the design satisfy this requirement? Do you suggest any other analysis be conducted? Propose a re-design if required.
e) Present your analysis as a professional engineering report.