
Develop a desktop program using java


Choose a programming language of your preference (Java, C#, C, Python) and write a code to connect to an oracle database. Your program can display any table of your choice. You are free to develop either a desktop program or web site. Hint: you can display the data in a table by using a grid control. A good article for java based applications that can help you can be found at the following link: https://quoiquilensoit.blogspot.com/2012/05/examples-ofjava-calling-oracle-plsql.html Project Deliverables: 1- The project source code 2- A presentation that highlights the important code samples and a demo about your project, the problems you faced during this project (connection problems, syntax errors) 3- Include screen shots to support your presentation

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JAVA Programming: Develop a desktop program using java
Reference No:- TGS01954596

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