
Develop a day menu that contains foods that are good sources


Recall foods that are good sources of potassium and the advantages of potassium for heart health and regulating blood pressure.

Jonathon is a competitive distance runner. He drinks plenty of fluids before, during, and after exercise, but he often feels week, especially after his activities.

Develop a one day menu that contains foods that are good sources of sodium and potassium. Use Table 8.4 (Sodium Content of Selected Foods p. 336 (3rd ed,) or p. 297 (4th ed) and Table 8.5 (Potassium Content of Selected Foods p. 338 ((3rd ed); p. 299 (4th ed)

Remember especially to include foods that will meet at least the DRI for potassium (4700 mg.) and more than adequate sodium (2300 mg).

The daily menu should have about 3000 or more calories for the day.

List: i. Foods in meals ii. Amounts of each food iii. the calories, iv. milligrams of sodium and v. milligrams of potassium for each food in columns across the page, moving from left to right. Format for menu: Food, Amount, Calories, Mg. Sodium, Mg. Potassium listed in columns across page: right to left. Include totals for the day for: sodium, potassium, calories.

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