
Develop a culturally-competent intervention program

The MAPP model:

• How could you apply the model you selected (THE MAPP MODEL) to develop a culturally-competent intervention program that would reduce the incidence of a Healthy People assigned focus area? (CIRRHOSIS OF THE LIVER)

• Explain how some of the constructs (components) of the model would be considered in your program design.

• What are some of the strengths and weakness of the planning model you selected?

• Do you think the model you chose is the best model (from others mentioned in the readings or in the literature -The PRECEDE-PROCEED model

The Intervention Mapping mode) to use for addressing this Healthy People assigned focus area? (CIRRHOSIS OF THE LIVER)

Why or why not?

Required Resources:


• Video: Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2009). Behavioral and cultural issues in health care: Translating theories and research into practice. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 16 minutes.

In this media, Dr. Angela Mickalide and Dr. Leonard Jack describe how theories are translated into practice when developing, planning, and evaluating intervention programs. Then Dr. Joseph Betancourt provides tips useful for practitioners when communicating with patients from different cultures and situations. Dr. Lawrence Green concludes the video with an exploration about how research translates into practice.

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