Software Engineering: Software Requirements Elicitation
Term Case Study Project
Spring 2018
1. Develop a Context Diagram for the Mars Climate Orbiter (8-10 External Entities)
2. Write up a detailed statement on why it failed (300 words +)
3. Develop Mission Requirements Needs List that will rectify the issues that caused it to fail (10 + Items)
4. Develop Operational Requirements based off of the new mission needs (10+)
5. Develop Functional System Requirements based off of the operational requirements (10+)
6. Develop Non-Functional System Requirements based off of the operational requirements (10+)
7. How will these new requirements prevent the failure of a new Mars Climate Orbiter? (200+ words)
8. What are the methodologies that will be used to verify, validate and test the new requirements? (500+ words)