
Develop a contemporary organizational theory


Imagine that you have been asked to develop a contemporary organizational theory. You have decided that the fastest way to do this is to develop a hybrid using the current five contemporary organizational theory models; population-ecology model, resource-dependence model, rational-contingency model, transaction cost model, and institutional model. Answer the following questions about your model:

- What will the new name of your theory be? For example, your new theory might be called the "rational-ecology-dependence" model or the "population-cost-contingency" model.

- What does the descriptive title of the model mean?

- How will it represent your personal concept of the organization?

- What might its impact be?

Remember, this is your opportunity to be creative. Be imaginative. Explore the possibilities. The objective is to exercise your creative thinking muscles while exploring the application of what you have learned in this module.

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Other Management: Develop a contemporary organizational theory
Reference No:- TGS01964375

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