
Develop a comprehensive case for the client

Develop a comprehensive case for the client. Explain the procedures you follow from the first introduction to the client through to case closure. Describe the steps in the process, what kinds of information you would need to gather, collate and analyse and how it would contribute to the management plan.

The case management plan should include the following:

• Skills and methods involved in conducting case management meetings.

• Boundaries and processes within service delivery are identified.

• How your organisation will protect individual and family rights.

• Identification and integration of statutory requirements.

• Consideration and integration of appropriate cultural issues.

• Provision of information on rights of appeal and grievance procedures.

• Identification of immediate, short and long terms needs, including initial assessment.

• Development of detailed action plans.

• Processes for monitoring effectiveness of case plans.

• Processes that assist client to set achievable and retain ownership.

• Assessments for change or ongoing intervention.

• Successful negotiation with all stakeholders.

• Match available worker’s skills to case plan requirements.

• Procedures and processes for case closure.

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Reference No:- TGS01426066

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