Develop a comprehensive action plan


Utilizing your outline from last week, please develop a comprehensive action plan of what will be required for you to implement your program or policy. Be sure to include your problem statement, along with the goals and objectives and relevant scholarly research on the problem.

Length: 8 to 10 pages

References: Include 10 scholarly resources.

My last work you will build your answer on is as follows:

Introduction: Violence is a sensitive and worrying issue. As well, because it evokes emotions and has negative images, it takes courage to look straight in the face. Avoiding nasty things is a natural human reaction to painful experiences. Still, the reality is in society. At school, violence worldwide is increasing at an alarming rate with dire consequences to all social sectors. So, it is time to face the problem of violence (Džaferovic & M., 2018). Violence cannot overcome by avoiding or condemning it immoral: this can only solve by solving the problem. Admit the existence of power at school, which traditionally replaces teaching and growth, is incredibly painful. As a result, violence often escapes the official program of the public debate on education.

This program informs readers of the reality of violence and its educational consequences in different countries' peace. It encourages them to discuss education together, treat, prevent, limit, or eliminate violence's harmful effects on young people's education, training, and social lives. School violence is expensive not only financially but also for the long-term damage influences the growth and development of a healthy human personality loss of quality and quality of life, interference in human life study prosocial behavior and most importantly, its impact on a vital task development of human resources for the development of the country. Interior curriculum and curriculum offered by strong research mutual mediation teachers designpublish are better self-assessment for constructive use and observation conflict skills (Basaran, 2017).

Context: Teaching students to reconcile the peer mediation program that is already in its third edition. The program is user-friendly a calm attitude towards the school.

3 Development of a Problem Statement for a Current Criminal Justice Issue The key words are conflict resolution & peer mediation. And the target population is kindergarten through grade 12.

Objectives: Students learn to discuss constructively. Resolving interpersonal conflicts and helping classmates do the same equal mediation.

The program objectives include: improving classroom learning, improve school life quality, and learn to resolve disputes peacefully. Learn to recognize the risk of violence by analyzing the factors involved in violence, using analytical thinking strategies to avoid enemies' struggle, and learning positive ways to express anger. Students should also know the negotiation procedure. Learn how to use it in relatively simple situations before it becomes possible; it was originally planned to solve real conflicts. The mediation is easier and much more useful if the students already negotiated trained procedures. Teach all students constructive mediation conflict resolution between classmates. Mediation is the use of someone else's services to resolve a dispute.

The purpose of conciliation helps classmates find constructive solutions to their conflicts. Mediation is generally a barrier to arbitration. Arbitration succumbing an argument to an impartial third party (Example: a teacher or Principal), which includes the last and obligatory judgment on the conflict be determined. They taught students how to conciliate needs, have integrity, student approach. They were training all students in conflict management constructively instead of choosing a few participants to become mediators. Training is a 12 year straight program. They are learning more and more year to year complicated negotiation and mediation skills. Topics cover everyday trouble decision-making, maximizing collective outcomes, and promoting compassion, trust, and respect. The students will learn that conciliation is problem-

4 Development of a Problem Statement for a Current Criminal Justice Issue solving. Specific problem-solving actions for both sides (i.e., feelings, motivating desires and emotions, changing perspectives, and inventing three possible solutions must be jointly agreed upon to maximize results). Tasks to be accomplished: Students learn how to employ this process to resolve disputes between two parties (classmates); they arbitrate disputes to resolve issues. Students learn four-step procedure:

1) Complete the file hostility.

2) Guaranteed promise mediation process.

3) Facilitation discussions.

4) Reach a solution by finalizing the conciliation protocol module. Pair options are initially available. Help classmates negotiate more effectively. When all the students are at their best, brokers can work independently (Johnson et al., 2004). Application of mediation concepts using structural structures, classroom-planned academic disputes is urged. This strategy allows students to apply conflict skills through daily integration classroom training following the normal timetable.

For students to deal with the conflict, the standard room and the school environment must be constructive is installed. All students and staff of the school have to be informed and respect their actions for resolving their conflicts. Liability for mediation between colleagues rotates through the student body for all students to enjoy the experience and hope to be a broker.

Types of staff required: Teacher Training: Two 3 to 4-hour seminars are available for teachers, staff and principals for program implementation. In the first place, workshop, lesson 1, necessary skills, is the core of the program. The second seminar, a first lesson, a culmination of skills, provides an overview of 5 Development of a Problem Statement for a Current Criminal Justice Issue the basics skills and is based on self-esteem and problem-solving concepts. Funds will be in touch by phone or email.

Program components: Given the preventive goal of the program are to teach students to become pacifists. Focuses on teaching the students to appreciate helpful conflict, engagement problem solving, discussions of integration and mediation conflict. Mediation is defined as a method in which an outside party helps the parties agree on an integration solution. Negotiation is called a process in which the conflicting parties want to work blended. The program teaches conflict resolution through mediation and three-part discussions.

Monitoring: The first part of the training teaches students about conflict, emphasizing that conflict inevitably, and if properly managed, can contribute to personal development to achieve the desired result. The second part teaches students how to do this. Discussion and the third part of the training will teach how to reflect.

The training's negotiating part consists of six phases: together, describe what they want together to tell how they feel. To express the reasons for these desires and feelings inversion perspective and transfer their understanding to another person's aspirations and feelings, develop at least three reciprocal voluntary agreements production integration agreements (Basaran, 2017). The central part of the training consists of four people. Steps students can use to help their classmates resolve conflicts include ending the war, guaranteeing all parties involved in the mediation, and formalizing consent peer conflict resolution of training (Stiltner, 2020). The intermediate part of the program was implemented. It is in this part, a program where students have the opportunity to act as intermediaries.

6 Development of a Problem Statement for a Current Criminal Justice Issue Every day, the teacher selects two different students. Be a class broker. The position of the mediator is changing everywhere classes so that all students can act as facilitators. Brokers use the extension of the conflict resolution skills they learned in three stages. Mediators are identifiable because they wear media shirts and try to be mediators in school and school conflicts (e.g., dining room and playground) (Parker. et al., 2020).

Initial training generally in conflict resolution requires ten to twenty hours of training and is usually divided into multi training weeks. Conflict resolution training under review school year to improve students' conflict resolution skills act as class intermediaries. After familiarizing the students with the discussions, mediation skills, the teacher chooses two students as agents' daily intermediaries. Any conflict that students cannot resolve on their turn to class intermediaries. Mediators have official t-shirts, patrol the playground and dining area, and are available for mediation in all disputes.

The class leader's role changes throughout the class to act as a class broker during the same period. Mediation of classmates' conflict is maybe the most dramatic way to teach students what they need to rationalize all the agreed procedure stages. Refreshing lessons, study once or twice a week. The mediation and negotiation processes let students a collaborative decision making exercise in a setting that emphasizes a solution/agreement suitable to all parties involved, or that is why it is fair. Students have the right to settle on the outcome (in return) school restrictions and legal restrictions). Negotiation and personal mediation improvement let the students determine the problem conflicts that affect their lives rather than forcing their teachers and administrators' solutions.

Implementation of the program: There are seven phases in implementing the program:

1. Make a cooperative context.

7 Development of a Problem Statement for a Current Criminal Justice Issue

2. Educate students the desirability of conflicts when they managed constructively.

3. Teach students the problem-solving, integrative negotiation process.

4. Teach students the mediation process.

5. Employ the peer mediation program.

6. Continue the training in negotiation and mediation actions throughout the school year to filter and upgrade students' skills.

7. Re-teach the negotiation and mediation procedures the coming year at a higher level of complexity and difficulty. It will lead to a curved curriculum from kindergarten through the 12th grade. To guarantee that the exchange and intercession systems and abilities will move from the preparation circumstance to real clash circumstances all through school, educators ought to follow a few rules.

Understudies need to learn what the system is as well as how really to utilize it. Over learning is fundamental. If the students need to stop and consider what they ought to do, frequently, it is past the point where it is likely to deal with the contentions usefully. Supporter meetings are required during the time to assist understudies with keeping up the utilization of the systems. All understudies must get exchange and intervention preparing at long last, and all understudies must fill in as go-betweens, not merely a limited handful.

8 Development of a Problem Statement for a Current Criminal Justice Issue References Basaran, S. D., & Karakurt, S. Ö. (2017). Development and Evaluation of the Efficiency of In Service Training Program with the Theme of Peace Education. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 5(8), 1425-1434. Johnson, D. W., & Johnson, R. T. (2004).

Implementing the" Teaching Students To Be Peacemakers Program." Theory into Practice, 43(1), 68-79. Džaferovic, M. (2018). The effects of implementing a program of nonviolent communication on the causes and frequency of conflicts among students. Teme-Casopis za Društvene Nauke, 42(1), 57-74. Parker, C., & Bickmore, K. (2020). Classroom peace circles: Teachers' professional learning and implementation of restorative dialogue. Teaching and Teacher Education, 95, 103129. Stiltner, B. (2020). Blessed Are the Peacemakers: Pacifism, Just War and Peacebuilding, by Lisa Sowle Cahill (Book Review).

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