
Develop a communications log contact at least 50 percent of

Just make up the facts to something that sounds reasonable. The contact log summary should be positive and negative in nature. For example, I called one parent because he kid got a good grade on a test. While I called another because her kid was disrespectful to me. Just 250-word summary.


One of the most important ways to reduce the number of classroom disruptions is to engage parents. Most parents respond positively when the teacher reaches out to build connections. Parents know their children's strengths and areas needing improvement. They have spent years watching their children grow. They know why they misbehave and how they respond to redirection. A note or phone call home early in the year highlighting positive student attributes goes a long way to building a good relationship.

Parents want to know the minute their child begins to have behavior or academic difficulties so they can begin to work on those issues at home and support what you are doing at school. And, if the parents do not have the skills to help the child, they are going to want to know what you are doing to make sure their student is successful. If parents have gone weeks without a word from you, and all of a sudden receive a phone call stating that their child is failing or not following directions, it's difficult to expect their support.

Make it a priority to call home when you first begin to see behavior or academic problems. Be sure to begin the call with a positive statement about the student. Parents need to be reassured that their child is OK in at least one area before being able to offer you their support in areas in which the child is not successful. If you barrage them immediately with your concerns, you'll trigger their defense system, which ultimately ends with the parents defending the child against your "accusations."

Phone calls are not the only way to keep parents informed of what's happening in your classroom. Consider sending home weekly progress notes or "caught you being good" certificates. Phone calls on a regular basis not only to report a discipline issues, but also to let parents know the child is doing well, can help prevent possible classroom disruptions before they ever begin.

Parent Contacts

Develop a communications log. Contact at least 50 percent of your students' parents in the first six weeks of school. Let them know you are happy their child is in the room and your expectations for the child. After you have contacted half of your parents, reflect on the behavior and effort of these students. Record your reflections in the submission box below.

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Dissertation: Develop a communications log contact at least 50 percent of
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