
Develop a communication strategy and conduct research into

Lead and Manage

Effective Work-Place Relationships

Activity-1-Develop a Communication Strategy

Please refer to the page-13 of student workbook and also the appendix-2 at the end of the student workbook for the template to design the communication strategy

Conduct research into your organisation or another organisation you wish to research. Determine a project or organisational initiative that requires communication. Consider the following factors while you are designing your communication strategy. They are as listed below:
- Organisational goals
- Communication objectives
- Audience
- Media
- Resources/budget
- Activities
- Evaluation

Activity-2-Design A Communication Procedure:

Please refer to the page 14 of student work-book and answer the activity with the related conceptual framework.

Accordance with the communication strategy.
Consider the following when you are creating the procedure:
- The strategic objectives of the organisation
- The purpose of the procedure-the communication objective it is
designed to achieve
- Presentation of communication processes
- Resources or tools required to use the procedure
- Responsibility and authorisation for carrying out the procedure
- Knowledge management- such as "how are the documents to be
created and stored? And also how exactly, under the general communication strategy, are teams to be provided the right information as they need it to perform work responsibilities?

Activity-3-Review the Communication's strategy and communication processes you have developed in the activity-1&2 and answer the following questions

Determine a project or organisational initiative that requires communication. Consider the following factors while you are designing your communication strategy. They are as listed below:

- Organisational goals
- Communication objectives

- Audience
- Media
- Resources/budget
- Activities
- Evaluation

Activity-4-Consulting to make decisions-please refer to page13of the student work-book you or another person in authority Decision Strategies, Activities and Media used to communicate decision and collect the information or feed-back

Strategies, activities and media used to consult on the decision

Activity-5-Locate grievance or dispute management policies and procedures
for your organisation you wish to research. Please refer to the page24 of student work book and answer the following questions

- In what way grievance or dispute resolution processes support relationship building within the organisation?
- Who is responsible for implementation?
- What is the process or framework in the organisation for developing policies and procedures?
- What other policies exist within the organization that are relevant to managing communication, consultation and relationship-building?


inside the front door. Talk to people from different workplaces. Write down some notes on how things get done in relation to :
- Values
- Behaviours
And also research some corporate values that drive successful international companies such as "GOOGLE, MICROSOFT, APPLE AND SAMSUNG. LIST THEM BELOW.

Activity-7-Implement a Code of Ethics-please refer to page 34 of student workbook regarding the following categories.

Documents Management of others Personal actions and growth

Activity-8-Competence and Trust-please refer to the page 44 of the student workbook

List three of your work-place of your work-place tasks that allow others to assess how well you complete those tasks. If you are not a manager, for this purpose of this activity, Imagine that you are.

For those tasks you self-assess as having lower competence in, what are you going to do to address the skill gap? Will you try mentoring, coaching, training, networking another solution?

Tasks or managerial skills Self-assess: highly competent/intermediate/require improvement

Activity-9-Non-Verbal Communication-please refer to page 47 of student workbook positive representation and a negative interpretation: Communication element Positive meaning Negative meaning

Your boss touches you on shoulder

A Colleague speaks very loudly

A co-worker stands very close to you

A Participant in training slouches in the chair while maintaining eye- contact with you

Activity-10-plan-plan networking activities for yourself and others-please refer to page-59 of student workbook

Consider your own work as a manager of a team
1. What are the networking needs of at least two members of your team for personal development and completing work tasks? Identify competence and authority gaps.

2. What are the networking options to close the gap?

Activity-11-Negotiation-please refer to page-80 of the student workbook

Identify two or three work-place disputes you have been involved in or have closely observed and answer the following questions.

1. How would you classify the negotiation approaches taken by you and others in the Thomas-kilmann conflict modes model?

2. Was a settlement outcome reached?

3. What was the long-term effect of the outcome?

4. How could a more collaborative approach have been taken?

Activity-12-Taking a systematic approach to organisational conflict-please kindly refer to page-83 of student work-book organisation or one you are familiar with and answer the following questions

1. How would you improve the policy development processes in order to make it more responsive and more democratic?

2. How would you communicate policies to ensure their take-up and ensure that they are open to change and improvement as required? What strategies or media would you deploy?

3. How would you improve the policies or procedures?

4. How would you act to ensure the effective implementation of policy?

5. What sort of systematic actions could you take as manager to ensure your team can manage conflicts more effectively?

Activity-13-Action planning to address conflict-please refer to page 95 of student work book

1. Identify a work-place conflict

2. Identify individuals and teams in need of help

3. Identify stakeholders in the conflict

Using the example action plan provided for reference in page-94, develop an action plan for addressing the conflict.


- Coaching
- Continuous improvement
- Emotional Intelligence
- FairWork Ombudsman
- Grievance Procedure
- Industrial Relations
- Interpersonal Communication styles
- Key Performance Indicators
- Knowledge Management
- Personal Development Plan
- Performance Management
- Representative
- Socialising Strategy
- Stakeholders
- Swot Analysis
- Targets
- Work-place Bargaining

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