
Develop a code of ethics policy for an organization

Assignment Problem: Code of Ethics

Assignment Aim: The purpose of this assignment is to give you an opportunity to develop a Code of Ethics policy for an organization of your choice. This assignment consists of three (3) parts:

1) Identification of ethical issues;

2) Analysis of the identified ethical issues;

3) Write-up/revision of a Code of Ethics policy.

Assignment Part A: Identification of Ethical Issues

The first part requires you to discuss potential ethical issues with a focus group in your current organization or, in the alternative, an organization that you are familiar with. You will brainstorm with colleagues and present potential issues in a report. You will outline situations that are discussed. You should describe at least five (5) situations that may be viewed as ethical from your current organization, or an organization with which you are familiar. Do not do any analysis, as you will do that in Part B of this assignment. Please note in Part B, you will analyze the situations and prepare a report on the analysis and recommendations for change.

Assignment Part B: Analysis of the Identified Ethical Issues

The analysis is the second phase of a three-part project. Assignment 1A, 1B, and 1C are all connected. In Part A, you identified a number of potential ethical issues with a focus group in your current organization, or in the alternative, an organization with which you are familiar.

In this assignment, you will analyze the situations and prepare a report on the analysis and recommendations for change.

Assignment Part C: Write-up/Revision of a Code of Ethics Policy

The write-up is the final part of Assignment 1. In Part A of Assignment 1, you identified a number of potential ethical issues with a focus group in your current organization, or in the alternative, an organization with which you are familiar. In Part B, you provided an analysis and provided recommendations for changes. In Part C, you take your work a step further and develop a Code of Ethics policy for your organization, or in the alternative, an organization with which you are familiar. In this final part of Assignment 1, you can choose one of the following options:

Option 1: Develop a Code of Ethics Policy for your organization if one does not exist.

Option 2: Find a code of ethics and analyze it in light of the relevant moral principles discussed and identify which, if any, moral principle(s) have guided the production of the code of ethics. For this assignment, you may want to focus on more well-developed codes of ethics, perhaps even choosing one from a business sector within which you are interested in working. Your report should focus on analysis, not description or summary of the codes. As part of your analysis, describe suggested recommendations for changes.

Textbook - Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases, Eleventh Edition by Ferrell, Fraedrich and Ferrell.

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Tags: Ethics and Social Responsibility Assignment Help, Ethics and Social Responsibility Homework Help, Ethics and Social Responsibility Coursework, Ethics and Social Responsibility Solved Assignments, Identification of Ethical Issues Assignment Help, Identification of Ethical Issues Homework Help, Code of Ethics Policy Assignment Help, Code of Ethics Policy Homework Help

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Reference No:- TGS03027315

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