
Develop a brand scorecard of tesla model

Case Paper Instructions

Write a research-based paper that focuses on the cases assigned and the questions at the end of the cases provided. The paper must be at least 1,500 words, include at least 4 authored scholarly research sources in addition to the course textbook and the Bible, and be in current APA format. These four sources must be authored and two must be peer-reviewed Marketing journals like the Journal of Marketing. An authored source is one that has a human's name associated with it.

This is a non-traditional case study because you are identifying the company to research and perform a mini brand plan for. This company cannot be the same company used in your course project.

Choose a specific vehicle industry brand / product (one that you have not used in this course to-date). Examples could include brand car models like the Tesla Model S, Ford Focus, etc. and then develop a brand scorecard on that product.

The subject headers to be included are:


Brand Product Choice

Current Brand Reputation

Overall Satisfaction

Trustworthiness of Brand

Not the Norm

In this section of the paper you would discuss what they are doing today that is not the ‘norm' refer to your textbook page 221. If the answer is nothing beyond the ‘normal' for this industry...state so.


In this section, you identify what this brand might consider.


In this section tell us their brand score card...are they a ‘bigger, better, or stronger' brand today and what might they be if they took your advice?

In your APA formatted paper, subject headers are centered on the page of course, not left-margin justified as they are in these directions.

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Microeconomics: Develop a brand scorecard of tesla model
Reference No:- TGS01807174

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