
Develop a audit checklist based on the scenario

Assignment Task:

Develop  a audit checklist based on the scenario given.

Show the checklist in a table format. (Audit Check, Observation, Corrective and Preventive Action)

Five observations was identified during your inspection, find a solution to resolve and propose preventive actions to address the SS 651:2019 Clause (e) of 9.2.2 Internal audit program, that is

"Take action to address nonconformities and continually improve its Safety and Health (S&H) performance."

Five observations were identified during your inspection:

1. CPR pocket masks in the first aid boxes had expired. Used and opened triangular bandages were found.

2. Several of the lifting equipment (webbing sling, shackle and chain block) were expired and a few of them did not have any lifting tags.

3. Tools and materials were scattered on the floor in the maintenance room. Damaged T5 fluorescent light, metal piping and plastic casing were found in the waste scrap bin. When the facility supervisor was interviewed, he mentioned that scrap materials were consolidated and would be disposed when the waste bins were full.

4.  A sample size inspection of the fire protection system revealed that three ABC type of fire extinguishers were not charged with enough pressure and two ABC fire extinguishers were found to be obstructed. Further inspection revealed that four hose reel casings were dented.

5. When a worker who performed Work-At-Height was interviewed, he said that he is trained and permitted to work at height. However, his actual work practices were unsafe and risky.

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Auditing: Develop a audit checklist based on the scenario
Reference No:- TGS03226848

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