Develop 95 confidence intervals for the proportion of all

Prepare a report (see below) for the dean of the college that summarizes your assessment of the nature of cheating by business students at Rocky University. Be sure to include the following seven (7) items in your report. 

1.To summarize the data, compute the proportion of all students, male students, and female students that presented work copied off the internet as their own, copied answers off another student’s exam, or collaborated with other students on projects that were supposed to be completed individually. Then comment on your findings. 

2.Develop 95% confidence intervals for the proportion of all students, the proportion of male students, and the proportion of female students who were involved in some type of cheating. 

3.Develop 95% confidence intervals for the proportion of all students, the proportion of male students, and the proportion of female students who were involved in copying off the internet. 

4.Develop 95% confidence intervals for the proportion of all students, the proportion of male students, and the proportion of female students who were involved in copying off another''s exam. 

5.Develop 95% confidence intervals for the proportion of all students, the proportion of male students, and the proportion of female students who were involved in collaborating on individual project. 

6.Conduct a hypothesis test to determine if the proportion of business students at Rocky University who were not involved in some type of cheating is less than that of business students elsewhere. Use a = 0.05. 

7.What advice would you give to the dean based upon your analysis of the data?
Student Copied from Internet Copied on Exam Collaborated on Individual Project Gender
2 NO YES NO Male
3 NO NO YES Female
5 NO YES NO Male
7 NO YES NO Female
8 NO NO NO Male
9 NO YES NO Female
10 YES YES YES Female
11 YES NO YES Male
12 NO NO NO Female
13 NO YES NO Male
14 NO NO NO Female
15 NO YES YES Female
16 NO NO YES Female
17 NO NO NO Male
19 NO YES NO Male
20 YES NO NO Male
21 NO YES NO Female
22 YES YES YES Female
23 YES YES NO Male
24 YES YES NO Male
25 NO NO NO Male
26 YES YES NO Male
27 YES NO YES Female
28 NO YES NO Male
29 YES NO NO Female
30 NO NO YES Male
31 NO NO NO Male
32 NO YES NO Female
33 NO YES YES Female
35 NO NO YES Male
36 YES NO NO Male
37 YES NO NO Female
38 NO YES NO Female
39 NO YES NO Female
40 NO NO YES Male
41 NO NO NO Female
42 YES YES NO Female
43 YES YES NO Male
45 YES NO YES Male
46 YES NO NO Male
47 YES NO YES Male
48 NO YES YES Female
49 NO NO YES Female
50 YES NO NO Female
51 NO NO YES Male
52 YES NO NO Female
53 YES NO NO Female
54 NO NO YES Male
56 YES YES YES Female
57 NO NO NO Male
58 NO NO NO Male
59 YES YES NO Female
60 NO YES YES Female
61 YES NO YES Male
62 NO NO YES Male
63 NO NO YES Female
64 YES NO YES Male
65 YES YES YES Female
66 YES NO NO Female
67 YES YES YES Female
68 YES NO NO Male
69 YES NO YES Male
70 NO YES NO Male
71 NO YES NO Female
72 YES NO YES Male
73 NO NO YES Female
74 NO YES NO Female
75 YES YES YES Female
76 YES NO NO Male
77 NO YES YES Female
78 YES YES NO Female
79 NO YES YES Male
80 NO NO YES Female
81 YES NO YES Female
82 NO YES NO Male
83 NO YES NO Male
84 YES NO YES Female
85 NO NO NO Male
86 NO YES YES Male
87 YES YES YES Female
88 NO NO YES Male
89 NO YES YES Female
90 NO YES NO Female

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Applied Statistics: Develop 95 confidence intervals for the proportion of all
Reference No:- TGS0625465

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