
Develop 3 goals for your chosen scenario

Consider your group's list of essential elements for a program plan.

Make improvements to your evaluation plan based on the feedback from your instructor and your list of essential elements. Are there areas you should incorporate into your evaluation plan that you did not address before?
teachers coments on the last paper you helped me with Instructor's Comments (Sun 06/15/2014 09:39 AM MST):
Hi Rhonda Develop 3 Goals for your chosen scenario refer to Revised Appendix B for expectation from funders. 20 points Create an evaluation plan for your chosen scenario in Revised Appendix B that analyzes the program for process and outcome evaluations. Describe the types of evaluations you would include in your evaluation plan and how each would serve to analyze various processes or intended outcomes. 40 points Explain the method you would use to collect data and why. (See Chapter 4 - Box 4.5 Page 53 for tips. 20 points Format your paper according to APA guidelines with a minimum of 700 words. Great beginning effort. You did not specify your 3 goals - 20 point deduction. 30% deduction for 3 day late submission - 24 points Were you aware before this assignment that your evaluation needs to directly related to the goals that you have established for your program?

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Reference No:- TGS0106358

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