
Determining the protecting trademarks

Protecting Trademarks

Protecting trademarks-the names, words, and symbols that provide meaning to customers-is a key task for marketers. Violations of these trademarks have been an inescapable problem globally. Violations range from counterfeiting and piracy to the legal hijacking or local preemption of a brand name in a country where the brand has yet to be registered.

Based on this week's reading, first identify three strategies that developed nations with well-known brands can use to protect their brands. Provide specific examples to illustrate your points.

Secondly, identify at least one economic, cultural, or political issue in developing nations that might impede the effort to prevent piracy. Are there any ethical issues involved that might be perceived differently in a developing nation versus a developed one?

Finally, what role, if any, do you believe international organizations such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) should take? Please be as specific as possible.

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Business Management: Determining the protecting trademarks
Reference No:- TGS0869152

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