
Determining the price of computers in a free market

Assignment: Examine the factors that determine the price of computers in a free market.

In recent years, the price of personal computers has continued to fall even in the face of increasing demand. Analyze with the aid of a diagram how this has occurred.

Maximum Word Limit and Assessment weighting for each aspect within the assessment:

Word count: Your assignment should bemaximum of 2000 words

Description of Assessment Requirements:

Format: Report format - Please ensure that you acknowledge your sources of data using Harvard referencing method.

Research: You are expected to use a wide range of sources for your research (e.g. journal articles, reports, books, magazines etc).

Your report should meet the following expectations:

A) Answer the question set and keep to the topic.

B) Demonstrate an understanding of relevant economic principles, concepts and theories;

C) Ability to provide insightful analysis of issues involved;

D) Ability to organise material with supporting evidence;

E) Skills in using diagram to explain economic ideas;

F) Knowledge of current issues relating to your assignment question – there should be evidence of thorough research.

Attach a reference and bibliography of the books and journal articles used in the assignment.

Adhere to the word limit.

Font size: 12
Spacing: 1.5-spaced

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Microeconomics: Determining the price of computers in a free market
Reference No:- TGS0695

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