
Determining successful diversity within the organization

Case Study:

Read the following extract from the National Diversity Council to answer the following questions:

Engaging Aboriginal Australians in the Private Sector: A Consultative Report into Aboriginal Employment Strategies & Initiatives

Executive Summary:

The innovative research project, ‘Engaging Aboriginal Australians in the Private Sector' is a partnership initiative between the NAB and DCA. DCA is the independent, not-for-profit diversity advisor to business in Australia.

In partnership with our member organisations our mission is to:

1. Understand and achieve leadership in diversity management and practice in an Australian context 2. Realize business improvement through successful diversity programs

2. Implement effective compliance management in a changing legislative environment

3. Publicly demonstrate commitment to diversity alongside leading organisations.

Fundamentally, NAB and DCA acknowledge that employment provides not only an income to individuals and families, but can have direct positive results for Aboriginal communities generally. It also makes good business sense, enabling organisations to tap into a broader talent pool of labour, experience the benefits of new perspectives, and generate stronger links with Aboriginal communities. This project aimed to facilitate employment outcomes for Aboriginal people by identifying what actions employers could take to better engage Aboriginal people in Australian private sector workplaces. Importantly, the project aimed to do this through asking Aboriginal Australians about their experiences of and attitudes towards employment in the private sector. This contrasts with customary approaches, which tend to focus on employer perspectives and experiences of employment of Aboriginal people (as was identified in the project's preliminary literature review). To address this significant oversight, a series of representative national consultations with Aboriginal people were conducted. Through focus groups and face to face interviews Aboriginal people were asked to discuss what actions employers could take to improve employment outcomes for Aboriginal people in the private sector. The focus groups and interviews were enhanced by an initial literature review, which aimed to identify current themes in relation to attracting and retaining Aboriginal Australians, including current understandings of leading Indigenous employment practice and limitations of these understandings and the literature more generally.

Literature Review Findings :

The literature review clearly affirmed the importance of this project, including its leading edge nature, finding a conspicuous absence of information based on Aboriginal Australians' experiences of and attitudes about employment. In seeking to capture Indigenous Australians' views on, and experiences of, employment in the private sector, this project therefore represents a genuine and real step forward in hearing what Aboriginal Australians have to say about Indigenous employment strategies. The literature review highlighted a trend for private sector employers to increasingly embrace the concept of Indigenous employment, and identified leading practice as it is currently understood and undertaken among public and private sector employers. Here, employers are aspiring to engage with Aboriginal people and communities, implement initiatives that contribute to the overall wellbeing of Aboriginal communities, create pathways to work including transitions from training to workplaces and pre-employment training, and provide some kinds of development and mentoring opportunities.

The review also identified a number of limitations in the literature, including:

• A tendency for employers, particularly in the private sector, to be at preliminary stages of implementation in which the focus is on public statements of commitment rather than substantive organisational change,

• The prevalence of a deficit approach to Aboriginal employment, which focused on the ‘deficiencies' of Aboriginal Australians and overlooked the significant role employers have in generating inclusive workplace practices and environments,

• A lack of evaluative information assessing the impact of various programs, strategies and initiatives on Indigenous employment short- and long-term, and

• Insufficient collaboration between employers, Aboriginal communities and Aboriginal employees to share leading practice.

Q1. Describe the strategy the Diversity Council used to engage Aboriginal clients in learning about their experience.

Q2. Identify the issues identified by the research project in Aboriginal employment strategies

Q3. Research and describe two (2) performance measures for determining successful diversity within the organization

Q4. An organization commits to employing more Aboriginal employees and to improve their representation in the workplace. Identify three (3) benefits to the organization for publishing their results to the public

Reference chapter: Introduction to Diversity

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Other Management: Determining successful diversity within the organization
Reference No:- TGS02050302

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