Solve the following problem:
A thick-walled insulated metal chamber contains ni, moles of helium at high pressure Pi. It is connected through a valve with a large, almost empty gasholder in which the pressure is maintained at a constant value P, very nearly atmospheric. The valve is opened slightly, and the helium flows slowly and adiabatically into the gasholder until the pressure on the two sides of the valve is equalized. Prove that
nf/ni = h’ - ui/h’ - uf ,
nf = number of moles of helium left in the chamber
ui = initial moler internal energy of helium in the chamber
uf = final moler internal energy of helium in the chamber, and
h’ = u’ + P’v(where u’ = moler internal energy of helium in the gasholder; v’ = moler volume of helium in the gasholder).