A one-lane bridge consists of a 10-in.-thick, 16-ft-wide reinforced concrete slab supported on two steel girders spaced 10 ft apart. The girders are 62-ft long and weigh 400 lb/ft. The bridge is to be designed for a uniform live load of 700 lb/ft acting over the entire length of the bridge. Determine the maximum reaction applied to an end support due to dead, live, and impact loads. The live load may be assumed to act along the centerline of the deck slab and divide equally between the two girders. Each concrete curb weighs 240 lb/ft and each rail 120 lb/ft. Stone concrete has a unit weight of 150 lb/ft3 . Assume an impact factor of 1.33.

Provide complete and step by step solution for the question and show calculations and use formulas.