Let D8 denote the group of symmetries of the square. Denote by a a rotation anticlockwise by π⁄2 about the centre of the square, and by b a reflection through the midpoints of an opposite pair of edges.
1. Verify that each rotation in D8 can be expressed as ai and each reflection can be expressed as ai b, for i∈{0,1,2,3}.
2. Verify the relations a4=e,b2=e and b-1 ab=a-1. Explain how these relations may be used to write any product of elements in D8 in the form given in (i) above. Illustrate this with the example a3 ba2 b.
3. Find the conjugacy classes of D8.
4. Show that the rotations in D8 form a normal subgroup, H. Write down the distinct cosets Hg. Compute the multiplication table of the quotient group D8⁄H. To which well-known group is G⁄H isomorphic? Is the subgroup generated by b normal in D8?
5. Viewing the square in the real plane, centred at the origin, write down the 2×2 matrix ρ(b) which represents the rotation a and the 2×2 matrix ρ(b) which represents the reflection b. Check that
p(a)4 = 12
p(b)2 = 12
This shows that you can define a homomorphism p:D8→GL(2,R) by letting p(aibj) = p(a)ip(b)j)
6.By labelling the corners of the square or otherwise, write down the homomorphism
φ:D8→S4, Verifying that
φ (a)4 = id
φ (b)2 = id
φ (b)-1 φ (a) φ (b) = φ (a)-1