
Determining causes and effects–draft version

Select one (1) of the following scenarios on which to focus your cause and effect paper. Research the topic and include credible sources to support claims. Identify your purpose clearly, incorporate audience needs, establish a desired tone, and organize information/claims effectively.

1. The CEO of a major U.S. automotive manufacturer has asked you (a global marketing manager) to write about the causes and effects of importing most of its materials from foreign manufacturers. The paper will be provided to the board of directors and stockholders.

2. The director of a regional blood bank has asked you (a public relations specialist) to write about the causes and effects of advertising for blood donations in the past 30 years. The paper will be provided to the board of directors as they make decisions about the focus of future campaigns.

3. A state representative to the U.S. has asked you (a congressional aide) to write a paper on the causes and effects of water pollution in Lake Huron. The paper will be provided to the state's fish and game board as well as various committees for improving public health.

Write a 4 page paper in which you:

1. Provide a clear thesis statement.

2. Describe the major cause.

3. Describe a leading second cause.

4. Describe two (2) other contributing causes.

5. Describe three (3) effects of the cause on the economy.

6. Describe three (3) effects on people.

7. Include two (2) visuals that illustrate two (2) different claims.

8. Develop a coherently structured paper with an introduction, body, and conclusion.

9. Provide three (3) relevant and credible sources to support claims.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

• Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format.

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Other Subject: Determining causes and effects–draft version
Reference No:- TGS0672728

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