
Determining appropriate rewards


You may choose among the following term paper topics:

(1) Referral Marketing Programs

• Traditional versus referral program
• Referral program research results
• Value of a referred customer
• Identifying referrers
• Determining appropriate rewards
• Evaluating success/failure
• Examples of successful and unsuccessful programs
• Lessons learned

(2) Mobile Marketing

• Extent of usage
• Special characteristics: constant connectivity, customization, location based
• Mobile shopping behaviors
• Privacy issues-opt-in requirements
• Evaluating success/failure
• Examples of successful and unsuccessful programs
• Lessons learned

(3) Omnichannels

• Definition
• Multichannel synergies
• Developing a well-integrated omnichannel strategy
• Omnichannel strategies: integrated information system, same inventory numbers, same price, refer Web customer to closest store, using stores as warehouse for Web sales,
• Evaluating success/failure
• Examples of successful and unsuccessful programs
• Lessons learned

(4) Uber

$50 billion valuation, in 311 cities and 58 countries
• Competitive advantages to operator: no medallion fee, lower car costs, cashless (less fear of theft), known tip,
• Competitive advantages to Uber: operator is not an employee, lower operating costs than medallion-based taxis
• Competitive advantages to consumer: know pick-up time, certainty of pick-up, know fare, choice of car type, can split fare with separate checks, also shared ride
• Some questions: expansion possibilities: online food orders, courier package delivery, foreign expansion. Evaluate surge pricing (Broadway show pick-up, icy road conditions).

(5) AmazonFresh: home delivery of grocery items, specialty breads, fish, steaks with a one-hour window.

• Advantages versus competition (PeaPod, Fresh Direct, and others): Huge selection; partnerships with specialty bread makers, local farmers, well-known fish markets; Amazon.com's expertise in logistics, Web site creation, etc.
• Disadvantages: $299 per year fee (including Amazon Prime membership); one hour food delivery window.
• Assess AmazonFresh's overall marketing strategy including target audience, synergies with traditional Amazon businesses, Web site design, logistics, vendor selection, etc. Compare with Fresh Direct, Peapod). Look at Webvan's problems.

I will not accept topics on alternate papers.

You will then be asked to upload your term paper to Turnitin.com. Turnitin.com reviews your paper against published research and a database of prior papers (including paper mills) in an effort to discourage plagiarism. I will receive a full report on each paper submitted. You will also receive a full report.

Your paper should reflect current sources, current practices, have a balanced perspective (pros versus cons), examine the differences between domestic and international strategies (if applicable), and have a scholarly tone. Factors which differentiate an excellent from a fair paper include: currency, extensive use of footnoting, the number and quality of sources used, the use of figures and tables to synthesize material, the effective integration of material from diverse sources and perspectives, and the development of a well-thought conclusion.


(1) Use the social science form (e.g., Brown 2013a) Please include a full bibliography. For Web sites, use the Web address and date accessed for the source line. (www.dell.com/us/investor.htm as of October 15, 2015).

(2) Start your paper early. This will enable you to obtain all of the necessary data, to properly reread your paper, to incorporate the latest developments, and to properly study for your finals.

(3) Here are some hints in better consulting academic and trade sources:

• Your local library most likely has an online database that is useful for business research include ABI/INFORM, Barrons, BUSINESS AND COMPANY RESEARCH CENTER, GENERAL BUSINESS FILE, INFOTRAC, PROQUEST, and Wall Street Journal.

o These are the online commercial databases you should use: Business Source Premier, Factiva, LexisNexis Academic, and Mergent Online.
• Look up Standard and Poor's NetAdvantage for the respective industry analysis.
• Use the World Wide Web for the most current sources. Distinguish between company sites, and articles accessed through the web.
• Get the company's 10-K from www.sec.gov. (EDGAR). A large proportion of firms also place financial reports on their web site (many require that you first download and install a recent version of ABODE ACROBAT.

(4) Your paper should be as current as possible. The vast majority of your footnotes should be from 2013 or later.

(5) Back up your paper frequently (every half hour or so).

(6) The ideal page length of this paper is 12-15 pages (using a 12 point font and 1 inch margins, double spaced).

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Marketing Management: Determining appropriate rewards
Reference No:- TGS01766591

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