
Determine who would be considered 1 top management 2 middle

Answer the questions listed below. Answers should be between one half and one full page for each question.

 1. Go to the website of Stephenville, Texas at www.ci.stephenville.tx.us. There is a link at the site labeled "City Government" that shows the organizational chart of the city government. Determine who would be considered 1) top management, 2) middle management, and 3) first-level management. Do you think team managers could also be used in this city government?

 2. Based on what you have learned so far in this course, write a job description for a management position in an industry that you either work in, have worked in at some point in the past, or would like to work in at some point in the future. Your job description should include the following:

  • A definition of the role of management for this position.
  • A summary of the duties that the manager performs.
  • The experience and qualification necessary to successfully fill the role of manager.
  • The importance of the manager for the company.

If you need inspiration, look for examples of job descriptions at one of the major job sites, like glassdoor.com, indeed.com, or monster.com.

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Dissertation: Determine who would be considered 1 top management 2 middle
Reference No:- TGS01652995

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