Discuss the below:
"Have Gun, Will Travel... To Work "
Use the criteria of just cause and due process to determine whether you believe Weyerhaeuser's decision in the case study to fire its Oklahoma plant employees who kept guns in their vehicles was fair. Either support the company's actions by illustrating how they met the criteria of just cause and due process or challenge its actions and suggest additional steps Weyerhaeuser should have taken to handle the situation in a morally responsible way.
According to the case study, companies that do not permit employees to leave guns in their vehicles often defend their policy by stating it is the company's responsibility to keep its employees safe, which they find to be in conflict with permitting employees to bring their guns on company property. Determine whether you find these two conditions to be compatible with one another or necessarily mutually exclusive. Imagine a scenario in which an employee leaves a gun in his car even though he knows doing so is against company policy, and as a result, the employee is terminated. Determine who has moral rights in this situation and whether or not either is having their moral rights violated.