Determine which student is the most likely to successfully

1. Scenarios for Discussion Board

Scenario #1: Amaya

Amaya is a 40-year old female who lives with her four children in her mother's home. She is a single mother who works one full-time job Monday-Friday and works part-time (8 hours) every Saturday at the local supermarket. Her children are 11, 9, and 6 (twins). Her mother is retired and takes care of the kids when they get home from school. Amaya gives her mother money to do the grocery shopping (etc.) during the day when the kids are at school, and her mother cooks all the meals.

When Amaya gets home every day, she eats dinner, helps the kids with their homework, gets them to bed, and then begins her homework around 9:00 at night. She usually can get to bed around 10:30 at night, and she studies every night. She enjoys her online discussions, and she has been able to apply some of what she is learning to her job. She counts on Sundays to do massive work on her papers - except last Sunday was the twins' birthday, so she didn't do any work and did not submit her paper. Amaya figured she would finish it as soon as she could.

Yesterday, while her mother was carrying laundry to the washer, she slipped, fell, and broke her ankle. It was her right ankle, and she cannot put weight on it or drive. Although she has crutches and can get around the home a little bit, she is now unable to grocery shop, do laundry, and cook.

Amaya opted to stay in her course. She has not told her professor or her advisor what is going on because she didn't want to sound like a complainer. She now has taken on all the household responsibilities, is working the same amount, and often cannot begin her homework until midnight. She is beginning to fall behind and is hoping she can hang on and earn some type of passing grade.

Scenario #2: Bob

Bob is 24-years old and married. His wife is 6 months pregnant with their first child, and she is a librarian at the neighborhood elementary school. Bob is excited to become a father! He currently has a salaried position as an assistant manager at a large retail store he started working at when he was 16 years old, but the company will not promote him to any higher position (manager or above) until he has his degree in business.

Even though his company is paying for him to go to school, he has begun his degree only because he feels he has to do it, and he resents being in school. He does the minimum work possible and spends as little time studying as he can. He didn't like high school even though he graduated with a 3.3 GPA.

Recently, business at the store has picked up significantly, and Bob has been required to work longer hours. When he finally got home last night around 8:30PM, he found his wife in bed, and his in-laws were there. He learned that his wife had been put on bed rest for the rest of her pregnancy, and his in-laws, who lived 10 minutes away, were there to offer support and help out with whatever they needed.

Bob talked to his wife about dropping out, but she insisted that her parents would help her, so there was no reason to drop out. She reminded him that he was barely studying anyway, so working the extra hours wasn't that big of an issue.

Scenario #3: Carlos

Carlos is a 30-year old who recently decided he was tired of working full-time in his family's bakery. He really wasn't passionate about it but felt obligated to help out since it was the family business. His parents, sensing his unhappiness, assured him they would be fine if he just worked part time there and supported him as he found a program he was interested in pursuing.

Carlos had always been interested in computer programming and started his online degree in that field. His first class was an English class which made him nervous. Carlos has always struggled with writing - even in high school. Even though he put hours into his first paper, the score was not very good, and his professor suggested that he work with the tutoring center before he submitted his second paper. Carlos was insulted that the professor would suggest tutoring, and almost wrote an email to give the professor a piece of his mind, but then decided not to.

Carlos told his girlfriend that he wasn't going to get tutoring because he was certain he could earn a D in the class, and he would earn better grades in the next couple of terms when he started his computer classes. Carlos figured the good grades from his future computer classes would balance out the grades from the classes that required a lot of paper writing.

One day he received a phone call from his mother. She was at the hospital. His father had suffered a small stroke and would not be able to work for a while. She needed him back full time at the family business until his father was able to work again. Carlos immediately went back to work full time, but decided to stay in his class. He emailed his professor and told him what was going on.

Scenario #4: Dolores

Dolores is 50 years old, and the last of her children has recently moved out. She and her husband are now empty nesters. Her husband has encouraged her to do something for herself because she was a stay-at-home mom who dedicated 30 years to raising her family. Dolores has always wanted to continue her education, but she is afraid that she has been out of school for too long to do well now.

She also is not technologically-savvy and only recently has she learned how to email. This week, her husband created a Facebook account for her, and Delores is learning to use it. Because Dolores and her husband live in a very rural area, driving to the nearest college takes 45 minutes one-way. As they live in the northern part of the United States, Dolores does not want to drive in the snow and ice. Even though she was very hesitant, she decided to pursue her degree online.

During the first week, she called her advisor 10 times with questions. She called her professor 6 times. Between her professor and her advisor, she was able to complete all her assignments and understood the content. When her husband came home one night, he found Dolores in tears because the computer stopped working. Her husband found that the power cord had come loose and the battery had drained. He fixed the problem, and Dolores was able to finish posting.

That night, Dolores shared that she just didn't think she could do this. "Who else has to make 16 phone calls in one week? I couldn't even determine the power cord had come loose! My professor and my advisor must think I am an idiot!" The phone rang. It was her son, and he shared the news that his infant daughter was going to need surgery to correct a birth defect.

Even though it was fairly routine surgery, he asked if Dolores could come stay with them and help out, especially when the baby came home. Dolores agreed to go stay with them. Her husband reminded her that she could continue her studies because her course was online, and even though she was nervous about it, she agreed to try. She called her advisor to let her know what was going on. Her advisor told Dolores to tell her professor, but Dolores did not. She was afraid that 6 phone calls in one week was too many already.

2. Scenarios for Discussion Board

Even with the best of planning, life happens. Similar to last week, you will meet four hypothetical students who are attending ABC University. An unforeseen event happens to each one of them, and this event causes issues in their courses. Read each scenario and then:

1. Determine which student is the most likely to successfully navigate the unforeseen event and be able to remain in school. Explain why you selected that student.

2. Explain what behaviors or characteristics were problematic before the unforeseen event and how those behaviors/characteristics may have contributed to a harder challenge for them to navigate.

3. Identify the behaviors/characteristics/circumstances that were helpful to the student as the unforeseen event occurred.

For your follow-up posts, respond to at least two of your peers. In each response, respectfully agree or disagree with the author's choice, and explain your position. Then, create 3 "next steps" for the hypothetical student to help him/her get back on track.

Scenario #1: Jayden

Jayden is 22 years old and is living at home with her parents and two younger siblings (still in high school and junior high). Her parents are letting her continue to live at home provided that she either has a full-time job or she is in school full-time.

If she goes to school full-time, her parents will pay half of her tuition. Jayden does not know what she wants to study, but since the first year at every college she researched was focused on general education, she figured she would simply get started. Besides, she really doesn't want to work full-time. She works part-time at the local pizza place as a waitress, and those hours are plenty for her to pay half her tuition and still have some left over for fun.

Many of her friends that went to high school with her are still in the area, and she hangs out with them 3-4 times a week. Jayden is technically passing her classes, earning Cs and Bs for her assignments, but she admits that she has blown off a few minor requirements and doesn't really read the textbook. She says she is doing well enough without doing all the work - so why should she work harder? It's not like she is on probation or anything.

Unforeseen event: In the third week of the course, Jayden's father has a heart attack. He is in the hospital for a week, and her mom is constantly by his side. It looks like he is going to have to go through some rehab and therapy for a few weeks. Jayden has to help take care of her younger siblings - preparing meals, driving them to school, making sure they do their homework.

Scenario #2: Kamden

Kamden is 35 years old and has three children under the age of 7. She also works full-time. She drops the kids off at daycare every morning at 6:30, goes to work, and is home by the time they get off the bus. Kamden is busy with "kid-stuff" until they go to bed at 9:00. That is when she begins her homework. Many times she is so tired by Thursday and Friday night that she takes those two nights off from class and just goes to bed. She then works hard through the weekend to catch up.

She feels bad that she isn't spending as much time with the kids as she used to, but she feels that her degree will make a better life for her family. She has never missed any class work, and she has submitted every assignment, but she is really struggling in her economics course. She currently has a 67%, and it is the lowest grade she has ever earned. She really does not know what to do with this situation.

Unforeseen event: One of her children catches the flu and has to stay home from daycare, which means Kamden cannot go to work. She is falling behind at work, and also falling behind in her classes. She wants to make sure her other two little ones do not come down with the flu, so she is trying to quarantine the sick child. This is hard to do as a single mom.

Scenario #3: Lloyd

Lloyd is 27 years old, and he is tired of working in a dead-end job. He is really motivated to make a better life for him and for his 3-year old son. Lloyd has never been the strongest student, but he is going to tutoring every week to help him with reading comprehension and writing papers, and his grades are mostly Bs. With the custody arrangement from his divorce, he has his son every other week. Lloyd is finding that during the weeks that he has son, he has less time to dedicate to his studies, so sometimes he has to catch up on reading chapters in the next week.

He finds ways to do that, but sometimes he doesn't learn important information until the week after it would have been particularly useful. Consequently, his posts show that he sometimes hasn't read the material. Worse, he lost track of the deadlines for written assignments. A big paper is due tomorrow, and he doesn't have time to do the research and write the paper. He found a paper online. He figures he can change and modify just enough of it that it will be mostly his work. He has promised himself that he will pay better attention next time and will never find himself in this situation again. Besides, he's not really doing anything wrong, right?

Unforeseen event: Lloyd lives in Florida, and a hurricane is forecast to hit his hometown. The authorities are strongly encouraging evacuation. He has 24 hours to make a decision - hunker down, or get out of town. It is likely that he will lose internet and power for what could be several days.

Scenario #4: Mark

Mark is 40 years old and does not have a computer at home. His boss at work is allowing him to stay late after work and use his work computer to complete his schoolwork. On weekends, he goes to the library. He is finding time to complete and hand in all his assignments, and he generally does very well on them. Because of earning good grades in high school and his own perception that he is completely capable of learning anything thrown at him, Mark is confident that he will be successful, and he believes he will do it on his own. He's smart, but he is often described as very, very quiet. Mark is not very comfortable around people, and he doesn't like interacting with them. Even at work, he is rarely seen talking to or with his co-workers.

Because Mark is so confident in his own abilities and because he does not enjoy discussions with others, he does not see the point of the "reply to others" part of discussion posts. He really doesn't care what other students think about his posts - the only person who matters is the professor because the professor does the grading. Mark's initial post is always the first one in the thread, and it is generally more complex that anyone else's posts.

Mark posts his initial comments every week, but never responds to his peers in any of his classes. His professors have been reaching out to him encouraging him to be more active in the posts, but he has not changed his behavior. Mark usually earns A's on his tests, quizzes, and papers, and has figured that even with losing the points on the discussions every week, he will still pass the classes, so he sees no reason to change.

Unforeseen event: Mark has not read the syllabus for his strategic management course - and what he doesn't know yet is that he must participate in a team project for this course. He needs to work with a small group of his classmates each week to complete verbal and written assignments. This means that he has to have internet access on a daily basis, and must collaborate with his teammates to make "strategic business decisions" for the Business Strategy Game (which is an online activity). At the end of the course, each group member submits an evaluation of their peers, and so his teammates will have a chance to determine part of his grade for this course.

4. Scenarios for Discussion Forum

Is This Cheating?

Below are 9 mini-scenarios. In each scenario, you will read about a student who is engagin in some type of behavior. Your job is to determine if the students' actions are cheating, not cheating, or "it depends."

Create a list from 1 to 9. After each number, write your determination ("cheating," "not cheating," "it depends"). If you write "it depends," you must explain your reasoning. Then select ONE of the mini-scenarios that you deemed "cheating" and explain why it was cheating - what should the student(s) have done differently?

For your follow-up posts, compare your list with two of your peers. If your lists are different, examine the differences and respectfully explain why you had a different answer. If there were no differences, then select a "not cheating" response and explain why the student(s) did not cheat.


1. Ana is taking an online psychology class. The instructions for the exams indicate that the test is "open book/open note." Yet the exam has a time limit of two hours. She takes her test with two computers open - one has her notes and the book on it, and the other one is used to access the test. Is this cheating?

2. Bob and Brenda discovered through the discussion forum that they are in the same city. They decided that they will go to the local coffee shop to take their economics midterm exam which is "open book/open note." The exam has a time limit of two hours. On a few of the questions, Bob and Brenda discussed the questions, compared their notes, and agreed upon an answer before submitting their test responses. Is this cheating?

3. Collette wrote a paper in sociology class and wanted to use part of it in her psychology class. She copied and pasted the portion she had written in the sociology paper. She then continued to write more content in the psychology paper around the pasted portion. Is this cheating?

4. Diana is not the best writer, and even though she is working with a tutor every week, there are still times that her written thoughts are not clear to others. When she is writing essay responses on an exam, she calls her mother over to read her responses and edit her paragraphs so that her writing is clear. Is this cheating?

5. Eduardo uses the online library to gather sources for his research paper. The paper requires citations in APA format. There is a button that Eduardo can click that provides the APA citation, so instead of writing the citation himself, he clicks the button and copies/pastes the citation into his paper. Is this cheating?

6. Frank is taking the same business class that his girlfriend took last term. She gave him all her notes and papers. Frank reads her papers and the instructor's comments before writing his own papers. He uses her notes along with his own notes for the "open book/open note" exams. Is this cheating?

7. George is writing a paper for his environmental science course. While researching fossil fuels, he reads each paragraph in the source (article or webpage), then closes the article and writes down what he remembers without looking back at the source. Because he is working from his own memory, he does not cite the sources. Is this cheating?

8. Howard does not type well - he uses the "hunt and peck" method. The exams in his courses are timed, and they are closed book, closed note. During the midterm exam, he gets through most of the questions, but because of his poor typing skills, he discovers he is running out of time and he still needs to answer two more short-answer questions.

With just one minute left, he takes note of the final two questions, and then time expires. He calls the I.T. desk and reports that his computer stopped during the exam period. He gets confirmation of that work ticket for his instructor. Meanwhile, he starts typing answers to the final two questions from the exam so he can also submit those to his professor, along with the I.T. work request ticket. Is this cheating?

9. Iris has no idea what to do for her poetry analysis paper. She doesn't understand the terms or how they apply to the poem. In fact, she doesn't understand the message of the poem. She "googles" the poem and finds several places where she can purchase an essay on the topic. She buys one of the papers, and then tries to insert her own words and thoughts into the purchased paper before submitting it. Is this cheating?

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Operation Management: Determine which student is the most likely to successfully
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