II. Determine whether the following disputes are verbal, factual, or some com- bination of the two. If verbal, discuss whether the dispute arises from vagueness or ambiguity.
1) VICKIE:YesterdayIvisitedtheexhibitionoftheworkofJeanMichelBasquiat at the Central Gallery. What an interesting artist he is!
BARBARA: Don’t be ridiculous! That’s not art, it’s just graffiti.
2) KATHY:Iwassaddenedtohearaboutthedeathofyouruncle.Hewassucha wonderful man. You must be consoled knowing that he’s enjoying his heav- enly reward.
ANNE: Thanks, but I’m afraid I don’t know what you mean. If death is the end of life, how could my uncle be alive right now in heaven?
3) HEIDI:ThismorningIheardalectureonthelifeofJaneAusten.Shewassuch a wonderfully educated woman.
DAVID: That’s not true at all. Jane Austen dropped out of school when she was only eleven, and she never even attended high school, much less college or graduate school.