
Determine whether the disorder causes hearing loss

Assignment problem: A 15-year-old is complaining of right ear pain and a feeling of fluid in his right ear for the past 3 days. He feels likes it is getting worse. He says his hearing is slightly decreased in the right ear in comparison to the left. He stated these symptoms started after he came back from a camping trip where he went swimming in a lake several times. Physical exam reveals a left ear that is WNL. His right ear is painful when the auricle is tugged. The ear canal is edematous and erythematous. Whitish exudate is present in the right ear, and due to the amount of exudate, the tympanic membrane was only partially visible. The portion seen was intact and nonerythematous.

Provide responses to the items below.

Q1. Determine whether the disorder causes a conductive, sensorineural, or combination of both types of hearing loss.

Q2. Explain the part of the ear that is affected and describe the disorder

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Biology: Determine whether the disorder causes hearing loss
Reference No:- TGS03227115

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