
Determine whether employee development is needed for

Using the data:

Determine whether employee development is needed for technical skills.

Determine whether employee development is needed for interpersonal skills.

Determine whether there is a difference among the departments in terms of technical skills.

Determine whether there is a difference among the departments in terms of interpersonal skills.

Determine whether there is a correlation between gender and job satisfaction.

Specification regarding the gender

Is 1 is Male and 2 is Female in the random number generation within excel. YES 2. the ratings are provided on the basis of 1 to 5....so what will be the denotations regarding these rating like very good, good, fair, satisfactory or bad. YES 3. Derivatives of ethnicity. IT CAN BE ANYTHING As far as understanding what 1 and 2 means (etc.) for gender and ethnicity...if you're stuck on using existing terms, just make a choice (say 1 is male and 2 is female - or the other way around). As long as you define each, that's fine. But at the same time, you can speak in terms of gender 1 and 2 without having to use male or female. Ethnicity, too.

Imagine that we never labeled them with anything other than a number - a totally arbitrary term (just like a word!). Either way is correct.

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Applied Statistics: Determine whether employee development is needed for
Reference No:- TGS02644257

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