
Determine whether a training is working


Data collected from the evaluation process is only as good as the feedback provided by participants.  I can guarantee that many of the participants will do little else than circle a number or rating without providing the needed follow up information.  For example, out of a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being strongly disagree, while 5 being strongly agree), if someone circles either 1 or 5 - you will want that follow up information to know why they scored where they scored.  It won't be there in most cases.  Additionally, there are other ways to collect data to determine whether a training is working.  For example, observations on the job - identifying if productivity has increased, a new skill is being utilized, or quality is improved.

The CEO will most likely be swayed by your position if you translated it into dollars.  Coming at him through the bottom line will catch his attention and be more persuasive.  How would you do that?  What numbers would you throw at him?

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