Determine what the driving force seems to be in your

Question: The project will consist of two phases: one, a case study and two, a research effort designed to help analyze and explain the data. Study the topic it in depth. The results of your case study and your discussion of the topic will be written up in formal term paper format (word-processed, footnotes, bibliography). A copy of your case study interview must be included as an appendix to your paper.


The establishment of intimate relationships and childbearing are among the major developmental tasks of this stage of life. In addition, the individual is involved in work/career development and then the maintenance of the intimate (marital, family) relations.

Interview an individual or couple who is in this age range (24-34). Discuss their current life situation with them making sure to touch upon the pertinent developmental tasks and normative crisis. Determine what seems to be the major focus (or "driving force" of their life right now (i.e.: decision to marry, decision to have a baby, decision to delay starting a family in preference of career focus, etc.)

Research the literature on the topic that emerges as the "driving force" for this person or couple in early adulthood. Topics might include exploration of intimate relationships; decision to couple; decision to have children vs. remaining childless; transition to parenthood; adjustments in dual earner couples.

Tying the two together: How does the literature help explain some of the issues that surfaced from your case history? Explore the links between attachment formation in infancy, friendship and peer relationships in childhood, dating and sexual exploration in adolescence, and the formation of intimate bonds during adulthood. How well prepared were these young people to participate in intimate relationships?

Additional instructions for Lifespan Paper on Adulthood

1. Think about who you can/want to interview

2. Read the relevant chapter in the textbook to determine your interview questions (based on the developmental tasksand normative crisis for that age.

3. Develop your interview questions. Be sure that you ask some open ended questions that will allow your interviewee to tell you about other aspects of their life.

4. Interview your subject.

5. Determine what the "driving force" seems to be in your subject's life. Is it one of the developmental tasks listed in the text? Is it something else (i.e. did you interview a 25 year old mother who has 3 children and is mostly focused on family life?)


1. The first section should introduce the subject to the reader and summarize the interview. This section should conclude with a statement of what the "driving force" seems to be for the subject.

2. The second section should be a review of the research that you have done about the "driving force" issue.
3. The last section should discuss/integrate the research review with the interview data.

Paper Mechanics:

1. 1 inch margins all around

2. 12 point plain font, double space.

3. Good grammar, complete sentences, paragraphing and punctuation are important.

4. A minimum of 3 references should be used in addition to your textbook.

5. Proper citation/footnoting must be included. You may use either MLA or APA format as long as you are consistent.

6. Proper bibliography must be included. (Without citations/footnotes and bibliography, a paper is plagiarized and will receive a grade of zero.)

7. In general, the paper should be about 4-6 pages long.

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Dissertation: Determine what the driving force seems to be in your
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