determine water-soluble vitamins needs of school

Determine Water-soluble vitamins needs of school children and adolescents?

The suggested requirements are given in Table 15.2 (ICMR 1990). Thiamine is computed as 0.5 mg/1000 Kcal, riboflavin as 0.6 mg/1000 Kcal and niacin as 6.6 mg niacin equivalents/1000 Kcal, as is done for adults. Folate requirements are computed on per kg body weight basis (Refer Table 15.2). Vitamin BI2 requirement ranges between 0.2-1.0 mcg /d and needs to be ascertained age- wise, if any.7n absence of precise data on vitamin C requirements of Indian children and adolescents, a value of 40 mg /d is adopted to be sufficient for all ages 1-18 years and adults. Vitamin C is heat labile and destroyed on storage. Its adequacy is important everyday for enhancing availability of iron from diets.

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Biology: determine water-soluble vitamins needs of school
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