
Determine the x-ray target material and the x-ray kalpha

Prob 1: An x-ray diffractometer (XRD) scan on a pure Cu sample results in a second peak at 2θb = 54.667919362485435 deg.

Determine the x-ray target material and the x-ray Kα wavelength, λ. Refer to AA_Crystal Structures of Some Elements.pdf posted to zip folder. Assume Kβ radiation is fully attenuated.

x-ray target material: ________________

Kα wavelength λ:_________________

Prob. 2 An entirely different XRD is ‘set up' with a Cr target and filters to fully attenuate Kβ radiation.

(a) Refer to Table 1 and determine the x-ray wavelength, λ = ________________

Using this entirely different XRD, scan of a pure but unknown element having BCC or FCC cubic crystal structure reveals 1st and 2nd peaks at 2θA = 38.043066549879718 deg. and 2θB = 44.214811802352855 deg., respectively.

(b) Refer to AA_Crystal Structures of Some Elements.pdf posted to zip folder and determine the Unknown Element______________

With respect to the unknown element ID'd in 2(b):

(c) What is the cubic crystal structure? _____________

(d) What is the lattice constant? _____________

(e) How many atoms per unit cell? _____________

(f) What is the coordination number? _____________

(g) What is the atomic packing factor? _____________

(h) List the atom positions intersected by the (110) plane?
List the atom positions intersected by the (111) plane?

(i) What is the d111 interplanar spacing in Angstroms _____________

(j) What is the d220 interplanar spacing in Angstroms _____________

(k) What is the densest packed plane? _____________

(l) What is the theoretical density in kg / m3? _____________

(m) What is the published density in kg / m3? _____________

(n) What is the linear atomic density in atoms / mm for the [110] direction. _____________

(o) What is the linear atomic density in atoms / mm for the [111] direction. _____________

(p) What is the planar atomic density in atoms / mm2 for the (110) plane. _____________

(q) What is the planar atomic density in atoms / mm2 for the (111) plane. ____________

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Mechanical Engineering: Determine the x-ray target material and the x-ray kalpha
Reference No:- TGS01420116

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