Problem 1. In the system shown to the right, an inextensible cable that passes around pulleys, such as the one from which block B hangs, connects the three blocks. Blocks A and C move with velocities and accelerations shown parallel to the blue planes. Find (a) the acceleration and velocity of block B, (b) the velocity of block A relative to block C, and (c) the acceleration of block B relative to block A.

Problem 2. Cars move along the two adjacent roads shown. At the instant depicted, Car A moves along the circular road at a speed of 60mph which is decreasing at 6480 miles/hr2 while car B moves at a constant speed of 75mph along the straight road.
The circular road has radius r = 500 ft. Determine the velocity and acceleration of Car A relative to Car B.

Problem 3. For the system shown, boxes A, B, and C are connected by inextensible red cables that pass around pulleys and tie off as indicated. They slide along the smooth horizontal plane. Determine the accelerations and velocities of boxes B and C at the instant shown.

Problem 4. The red cable connects blocks A and B, which slide freely on the blue planes. At the instant shown, block A is located 4 ft
to the left of the pulley and is moving to the left at a speed of 2 ft/s. Its speed is slowing at 0.5 ft/s2. Determine the velocity and acceleration of block B.