Using the results of Problem 6.7, simulate a second-order PLL with a sawtoothwave phase detector characteristic. As in the previous problem use the PLL parameters given in (6.40) that provided the results illustrated in Figure 6.11 for a sinusoidal phase detector. Compare the results obtained with a sawtoothwave phase detector with those given in Figure 6.11.
Problem 6.7
Using the results of Problem 6.6, simulate a second-order PLL with a triangularwave phase detector characteristic. Use the PLL parameters given in (6.40) that provided the results illustrated in Figure 6.11 for a sinusoidal phase detector. Compare the results obtained with the triangular-wave phase detector with those given in Figure 6.11.

Problem 6.6
In this problem we consider the use of the technique described to model the triangular phase detector characteristic illustrated in Figure 6.18. Determine the values of the B and C vectors for N = 11. Modify the simulation code given in Appendix A to include this phase detector model.