
Determine the true molecular formula of the unknown

Determine the approximate molecular weight of this unknown compound which is having the empirical formula of C2 H3Cl2.

1. A student acquired the following data from the experiment determination of the molecular weight of a volatile compound.
Mass of flask and foil cap = 89.617g
Barometric pressure = 750 torr

Volume of the unknown liquid used   = 11.0 ml

Mass of flask, foil cap and condensed vapor = 91.458g

Temperature of the boiling water bath = 100 Celsius
Volume of the flask = 285 ml
2.  Determine the true molecular formula of the unknown and explain its correct molecular weight?
3.  Determine the percent error in this experiment?

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Chemistry: Determine the true molecular formula of the unknown
Reference No:- TGS0850229

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