
Determine the training was effective on trainees reactions


Develop Survey Questions

Before you jump into the online survey tool, write out your questions in a Microsoft Word document. Use multiple types of questions (yes/no, multiple choice, open ended, etc.). (You will submit these draft questions to the Dropbox.)

1. Write two to three questions to determine if the training was effective, based on the trainee's reactions. Did the trainee perceive the training as successful?

2. Write two to three questions to determine if the training was effective, based on learning. Did the training teach the needed skills?

3. Write two to three questions to determine if the training was effective, based on job behavior outcomes. Are the skills learned transferable to the job? You can assume that the trainees are mid-level account managers.

4. Write two to three questions to determine if the training was effective, based on organizational results.


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Business Management: Determine the training was effective on trainees reactions
Reference No:- TGS01851928

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