
determine the three types of jointsthere are

Determine the three types of joints

There are three types of joints :

Fixed or immovable or fibrous : There is no space between the bones. The attached bones are very tightly held with the help of connective tissue. Sutures present between the skull bones and the articulation of the roots of teeth with sockets of maxillae and mandible, are two examples of such a joint.

Slightly movable or cartilaginous : It is an articulation between the bones that allows little movement. In such joints, the opposing surfaces are connected by fibro cartilage.

The joints between two adjacent vertebrae are of this type.

Movable Joints or Synovial joints: It is a joint along the movement of articulating bones, so that they can move extensively upon each other. In these joints a spaceBasics of Diabetes Mellitus between the bones is present, called synovial cavity. The cavity remains full with a viscous and slippery fluid called the Synovial Fluid. Synovial joints may be i) Ball and Socket joints (shoulder, hip), ii)Hinge Joints (elbow, knee, ankle), iii) Pivot joints (permits rotation only), iv) Gliding joints (vertebrae) and  v) Condyloid (are like hinge joint allow lateral movement) and Saddle joints (allow free hinge like movements).


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Biology: determine the three types of jointsthere are
Reference No:- TGS0328427

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