Steam enters the first turbine stage of a vapor power cycle with reheat and regeneration at 32 MPa, 600°C and expands to 8 MPa. A portion of the flow is diverted to a closed feedwater heater at 8 MPa and the remainder is reheated to 560°C before entering the second turbine stage. Expansion through the second turbine stages occurs to 1 MPa where another portion of the flow is diverted to a second closed feedwater heater at 1 MPa. The remainder of the flow expands through the third turbine stage to 0.15 MPa where a portion of the flow is diverted to an open feedwater heater operating at 0.15 MPa, and the rest expands through the fourth stage turbine to the condenser pressure of 6 kPa. Condensate leaves each closed feedwater heater as saturated liquid at the respective extraction pressure. The feedwater streams leave each closed feedwater heater at a temperature equal to the saturation temperature at the respective extraction pressure. The condensate streams from the closed heaters each pass through traps into the next lower pressure feedwater heater. Saturated liquid exiting the open heater is pumped to the steam generator pressure. If each turbine stage has an isentropic efficiency of 85% and the pumps operate isentropically 1) Draw a schematic of this cycle and number all your points 2) Determine the thermal efficiency of the cycle 3) Calculate the m dot 1 in kg/hr for a net cycle output of 500MW.