
Determine the temperature distribution by using two equal

Question 1

Given the following tapered fin, determine the temperature distribution by using two equal length elements.

728_Cross-sectional area.jpg

You may assume that the cross-sectional area A‾ = (Ai + Aj)/2 where Ai and Aj are the cross-sectional areas of element e at nodes i and j respectively.

For a tapered element:

                 [3pi + pj       pi + pj]
Kh = hL/12
                  [pi + pj         pi + 3pj]

Question 2

(a) Consider a beam element of length L. Write down the cubic spline functions Ni(x) for this element.

(b) Given the following beam with E = 21 x 1010N/m2 and I = 1.9 x 10-6m4, discretize the beam into 3 elements and determine the load variation w(i)(x), for i = 1,2,3.

1111_load variation.jpg

(c) Given that the load vectors due to the distributed loads are given by
wi(e) =      ∫   Ni(e) w(i)(x)dx
Obtain the load vectors w1, w2, w3.

(d) By taking moments to be positive in the counterclockwise direction and downward forces to be positive, compute the element stiffness matrices and assemble the global stiffness matrix.

(e) Solve for the unknown transverse nodal displacements vi and rotations Φi

Note that for the given sign convention:


Question 3

a) Derive the shape functions for the following four-noded rectangular element

678_shape function.jpg

b) Given that the x,y coordinates may be expressed in terms of curvilinear coordinates by x = x(s, t) and y = y(s, t) and that for the rectangular case, s = x/b, and t = y/a, where s, t replace the x and y global coordinates. Rewrite the bilinear shape functions obtained in (a), in the natural coordinate system.

c) Find the values for ∂N1/∂x and ∂N1/∂y at x = 3 and y = 3 for the element shown below, given that the x and y transformations are expressed in the form:

x = 2s + 4
y = 2t + 4

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Physics: Determine the temperature distribution by using two equal
Reference No:- TGS02606940

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