
Determine the technique to be used the target population of

This activity consists of analyzing the current situation of a company in order to determine the target of the study taking into account the target population, sample and how they would be reached.

What information do you need?

In order to complete this activity you will need to know the current situation of the company. You can download this information from Unit Resources folder.

Now let us suppose that the company has decided to try to reach the younger audience between ages 13 and 34 better than it has been up until now. It is no coincidence that among the segment of the population where the brand was most visible, in contrast to what was happening in other countries, fitness/running was the most popular activity and therefore where the brand has had the most visibility.

How the activity should be resolved?

This activity consists of answering the following proposed questions now that the company has decided to try to reach the younger audience between ages 13 and 34 better than it has been up until now.

It is no coincidence that among the segment of the population where the brand was most visible, in contrast to what was happening in other countries, fitness/running was the most popular activity and therefore where the brand has had the most visibility.

Keeping these assumptions in mind determine:

What the objective, hypotheses and applicable market research process would be for the study, indicating which approaches and techniques would be used and in what order. Justify your response.

Suppose that you will create a questionnaire. Determine the technique to be used, the target population of study, the sample and how you would reach them.

Design your questionnaire.

Answer the questions asked.


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Marketing Management: Determine the technique to be used the target population of
Reference No:- TGS02748328

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