
Determine the statistical significance of two values


Research paper for forensics where I am studying striated toolmark patterns created by a tool on various types of materials. I have summarized my data to show the total number of matching striations (lines), the % matching lines and the occurrences of consecutively matching striae (CMS). CMS has been show through 40 plus years of research to be the key component in determining whether or not a toolmark was made by a particular tool.

From research a criteria was developed which briefly states that if certain size CMS runs occur when microscopically comparing two toolmarks, it can be stated that the toolmarks were in fact made by the same tool. My data supports all of the past research;

Is it necessary to know if your data is randomly distributed? What statistical test do you use to determine if your data is randomly distributed? Lastly, how do you determine the statistical significance of two values?

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Basic Statistics: Determine the statistical significance of two values
Reference No:- TGS01913536

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